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Names: Luis Alvarado – Annabella Sánchez


What was the event?

Marches to protest against the OHC’s Project about the obstetric emergency.

When was it?

It was on September 19th and 20th of this year.

Who was involved?

Some pro-life groups of the country.

What did they do?

They met in 6 cities, to call the atention of the president Lenin Moreno, they want to veto the Organic Health Code’s Project, because they think it invites women to abort and for them, the life starts in the conception so they have to protect it.

What were the results?

They had 2 days of pacific meetings and they expressed they ideas, so it’s time to hear what the government is going to say.

What will happen next?

They will wait for the answer of the President.


Pro-Life groups fighting against the abortion

In the past September 19th and 20th some Pro-Life groups met in six cities of the country to express their rejection to the OHC’ s project about the obstetric emergency, it refers to, that all the women that are having an abortion can receive the medical attention to prevent their death. The protest was lead by Geraldine Webr, a very important activist of the motion. The activists really worked on it, even a song was composed by the protestans and it´s called “Señor Presidente”.

They had 2 days of pacific marches and meetings in the country, they were full of emotions and feelings because they were fighting for what they think is correct. Now, they will wait for an answer from the President Lenin Moreno, they trust in his conscience and wish him to do the best for everyone.

